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 Phoenix, AZ 85086
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Stepping Stones Academy

Stepping Stones Academy Awards



Stepping Stones Academy hosts assemblies to recognize children for monthly, quarterly, and all-year awards. Children receive a certificate and school coupon with monthly and quarterly awards and a certificate and medallion for all-year awards.

Children must attend Stepping Stones Academy the full quarter to earn quarterly awards and the full year (August-May) to earn all-year awards. Family and friends are invited to attend the awards assemblies.


1.  Literacy Achievement Award – The Literacy Achievement Award recognizes children reading 300 or more minutes during the month outside of the school day. Children record the book titles and number of minutes read on the Literacy Achievement calendar, complete the back of the calendar, and return the calendar to school by the deadline.

2.  Fast Facts Award – The Fast Facts Award recognizes children practicing math facts 300 or more minutes during the month outside of the school day. Children record the math skills and number of minutes practiced on the Fast Facts calendar, complete the back of the calendar, and return the calendar to school by the deadline.

3.  Character Counts Award - One child from each K-4th grade class, one child from 5th and 6th grade, and one child from 7th and 8th grade is selected for the Character Counts Award each month. Children are selected based on how well they demonstrate one or more of the character traits throughout the month.

4.  Citizen-of-the-Month Award – One child from each K-4th grade class, one child from 5th and 6th grade, and one child from 7th and 8th grade is selected for the Citizen-of-the-Month Award every month. Children are selected based on attitude, following campus rules, showing high or improved academic performance, demonstrating appropriate conduct, and exhibiting the six character traits on a consistent basis.


1.  Perfect Attendance Award – Children earn the Perfect Attendance Award when they attend school every day and have no more than one unexcused tardy and one unexcused early departure during the quarter. Excused tardies do not affect this award. Children must be enrolled at Stepping Stones Academy the entire quarter to receive this award.

2.  Honor Roll Award - Children earn the Honor Roll Award when they earn A’s and B’s in every class during the quarter. Children must be enrolled at Stepping Stones Academy the entire quarter to receive this award.

3.  Academy Award – Children earn the Academy Award when they earn A’s in every class during the quarter. Children must be enrolled at Stepping Stones Academy the entire quarter to receive this award.



1.  All-Year Literacy Achievement Award - Children earn the All-Year Literacy Achievement Award when they read 300 or more minutes each month of the school year and turn-in a completed Literacy Achievement calendar every month (August-May) by the monthly deadlines.

2.  All-Year Fast Facts Award - Children earn the All-Year Fast Facts Award when they practice math facts 300 or more minutes each month of the school year and turn-in a completed Fast Facts calendar every month (August-May) by the monthly deadlines.

3.  All-Year Perfect Attendance Award – Children earn the All-Year Perfect Attendance Award when they attend school each day (August-May) and have no more than one unexcused tardy and one unexcused early departure in each quarter. Excused tardies do not affect this award.

4.  All-Year Honor Roll - Children earn the All-Year Honor Roll Award when they earn A’s and B’s in all of the graded classes during each of the four quarters (August-May).

5.  All-Year Academy Award - Children earn the All-Year Academy Award when they earn A’s in all of the graded classes during each of the four quarters (August-May).